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500 liter solar water heater

About 500 L Solar Water Heater

500 liter solar water heater (SWH) is maximum capacity in standard company fitted SWH. It is easy to use and easy to install, there is no maintenance required (except cleaning).
A solar water heater has an array of solar power collectors to collect solar energy and an insulated tank for storing hot water. Both are related to each other. During the day, the water is heated in solar collectors that are either pumped or automatically flow into storage tanks with the thermosyphon principle. Small capacity solar water heater up to 2000 Liter capacity and Home solar water heating system works on thermosyphon principle.

Price list for 500 LPD water heaters

The price of 500 liter solar water heater is starts at Rs. 55,000 to Rs. 1, 25,000. Below, the latest price list of all types of SWH.
Solar Water Heater ModelSelling PricePrice per liter
ETC 500 Liter SWHRs. 55,000Rs. 110
FPC 500 Liter SWHRs. 99,000Rs. 119
FPC Px. 500 Liter SWHRs. 1,10,000Rs. 220
FPC HE 500 Liter SWHRs. 1,10,000Rs. 220
FPC Px HE 500 Liter SWHRs. 1,25,000Rs. 250

Types of 500 liter solar water heater

There are two types of solar water heating system first is evacuated tube collector (ETC) and second one is flat plate collector (FPC).
  • ETC solar water heater
  • FTC solar water heater
    • Non Pressurized or Standard (NPX)
    • Pressurized (PX)
    • Heat Exchanger (HE)
    • Pressurized with heat exchanger (PX HE)

ETC 500 L solar water heater

Evacuate tube collector (ETC) 500 liter solar water heater systems are cheaper than flap plate collector (FPC) based systems. They perform better in cold regions up to zero degree temperature.
500 liter ETC solar water heater
500 liter ETC solar water heater
Solar water heater500 Liter
Water heater typeETC
Size of tubes1800mm X 58mm
No. of tubes50
Hot water tankSS-304 0.7mm
Tank insulation50 mm PUF
Outer tankGI Power Coated
Warranty2 years for complete system
Delivery installation7 Days
PriceRs. 55,000 including installation

FPC 500 Liter solar heater

Flap plate collector (FCP) 500 liter solar water heater has rust proof body and easy to install. It is suitable for hard water. Flat plate collector consists of an insulated outer metal box at the top with a sheet of glass. Inside are black metallic absorbent sheets that are manufactured in channels or riser tubes to carry water. The absorber absorbs solar radiation and transfers heat to the flowing water.
500 liter FPC solar water heater
500 liter FPC solar water heater
Solar water heater500 Liter
Water heater typeFPC
Size of collector2000 x 1000 x 100mm
No. of collector5 nos.
Hot water tankSS-304 1 mm
Tank insulation50 mm PUF
Outer tankGI power coated
Warranty5 years for complete system
Delivery installation7 Days
PriceRs. 99,000 included installation

FPC Px 500 L Solar Water Heater

500 liter solar water heater of FPC pressurized has the cylindrical shape of the empty tube that is able to passively track the sun throughout the day. The flat plate collector pressurized provides peak energy output only in the afternoon when the sun is perpendicular to the collector surface.
Solar Water heater500 Liter
Water heater typeFPC Pressurized
Size of collector2000 x 1000 x 100mm
No. of collector5 nos.
Hot water tankSS-304 3 mm
Tank insulation50 mm PUF
Outer tankGI power coated
Warranty5 years for complete system
Delivery installation7 Days
PriceRs. 1,10,000 included installation

FPC HE 500 ltr Solar Water Heater

In FCP heat exchanger 500 liter solar water heater, the air is evacuated from the solar tube to create a vacuum. FPC-based systems perform well with anti-freeze solutions at subzero temperatures but increase their cost. In other areas, both perform equally well. This greatly reduces conductive and convective heat losses from the interior of the tube. The resulting air and cold temperatures have less effect on the efficiency of the empty tube collector.
Solar Water heater500 Liter
Water heater typeFPC Pressurized
Size of collector2000 x 1000 x 100mm
No. of collector5 nos.
Hot water tankSS-304 1 mm
Heat ExchangerSS-304 1.5 mm 20mm dia
Tank insulation50 mm PUF
Outer tankGI power coated
Warranty5 years for complete system
Delivery installation7 Days
PriceRs. 1,10,000 included installation

FPC Px. HE 500 LPD Solar Water Heater

500 liter solar water heater of FCP pressurized heat exchanger has solar collectors that can often be used in subzero temperatures without damaging the system. Flat plate systems often require expensive and complex "antifreezes" systems. Due to the high efficiency absorption of solar radiation even during solar conditions, combined with the excellent isolated properties of the solar tube, solar tube collectors can heat water throughout the year.
Solar Water heater500 Liter
Water heater typeFPC Pressurized
Size of collector2000 x 1000 x 100mm
No. of collector5 nos.
Hot water tankSS-304 3 mm
Heat ExchangerSS-304 1.5 mm 20mm dia
Tank insulation50 mm PUF
Outer tankGI power coated
Warranty5 years for complete system
Delivery installation7 Days
PriceRs. 1,25,000 included installation

Brand in 500 solar water heater

Supreme Solar, V guard Solar, Havells Solar, Racold Solar, Avion Solar etc.


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